Aerospace Adopting 3D Laser Scanners

Increasing production speed and maintaining quality

Turbine blades are essential in many massive engines, and engineers are at their mercy. They need to be able to analyze information on turbine blades with speed and accuracy that most humans do not possess. Many engineers understand that adopting new technology can help produce high-quality products that work better and speed up production time. These benefits can lead to an increase in profits for the overall company. 3D laser scanning can provide these advantages that engineers need to be productive.

Turbine blades provide many functions within the engine, and it is crucial to have them well-running and produced in the appropriate amount of time for the entire machine to be used. The blades extract the energy from high temperature and pressure from the combustor. If they do not work properly, it could be dangerous for the engine or lead to other problems that cost thousands or millions of dollars to fix.

Most engineers are trained very well and are able to analyze and observe the pieces and figure out the problems. However, many of them also understand the need to be quicker to produce more. Being too speedy can lead to problems. That is why 3D laser scanning is such an excellent add-in for engineers. It is some of the most precise technology you can find on the market.

How does 3D laser scanning work

Lasers are projected all over an object, collecting cloud points and gathering information rapidly like no other technology can. It takes rapid pictures of the surface, creating a fuller-looking 2D scan that allows an engineer to observe later on. It takes thousands of images per second, which is surprising for many people.

It is a small hand-held device, or sometimes a tiny device that can be added on a larger piece of equipment that can scan quickly. For instance, if an object were on a conveyor belt, the 3D laser scanning device could be added over it and pick up microscopic details in just a few seconds up to one minute.

It gathers information that would normally take hours to collect like holes, scratches, colors, dimensions, hinges, and more. Any detail you can think of, this tool will pick up and process. Once it is captured, the data is sent to a partnering system.

This editing system allows the engineer to see every component of the turbine blade. It also allows them to reverse engineer it and put it back together in a matter of minutes. This can be a critical step if anything is working improperly.

Final thoughts

3D laser scanning has shaped the way engineers work and created a way for them to produce high-quality goods in less time. Although many fields outside of engineering have also adopted this technology. It no longer belongs in one field and belongs in many different types of careers. There is no doubt that this technology will take us farther into the future; there is no chance of dwindling down. It is helping us create a bright and safer future.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning

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